runancf 发表于 2009-7-3 16:17:32


其中ETD部分(Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center)中有一部分是免费向公众开放的:这部分论文主要是在俄亥俄州的大学、学院学习过的优秀本科生、硕士和博士们的毕业论文。其网址为:
OhioLINK简介:The Ohio Library and Information Network, OhioLINK, is a consortium of 88 Ohio college and university libraries, and the State Library of Ohio, that work together to provide Ohio students, faculty and researchers with the information they need for teaching and research. Serving more than 600,000 students, faculty, and staff at 89 institutions, OhioLINK’s membership includes 16 public/research universities, 23 community/technical colleges, 49 private colleges and the State Library of Ohio.

mquuuuu 发表于 2012-2-9 13:52:21

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查看完整版本: OhioLINK-无意中发现的一个国外免费学位论文数据库